What motivated the creation of Altruistic Wellness and what does this small business strive for in the community.
Hey there and welcome to my page! I'm Nita Moran-Fuentes, a third generation... maybe a fourth generation hippie/mystic or alternative liver. With a 3 way split childhood in the mountains of WA, city of Bridgeport CT and the southern hospitability of NC I am pretty well rounded culturally. Now fully accepting my mysticism, I am now a massage therapist and healer trying to demystify and heal the community.
Why Altruistic?
Altruism is defined as, "the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others." So the aim of Altruistic Wellness is to bring selfless healing and education to others. In the current state of things almost everything has an the intention of getting ahead at the cost of others. Even in the health and wellness industry. My aim is to bring information, content and services that do not come from a self gain aspect, but from the pure intent to help others. To demystify holistic healing and make more well known, accessible and practiced in daily basis to help our community as a whole.
I hope that this site, content and services can benefit your wellness journey!
Follow my social sites for great content and feel free to reach out with any questions or content requests.